You just gave a perpetual speed beast permission to binge sugar and excess fluids knowing his propensity for nighttime water works? Thou art a brave man, Colin.
Oh, it is when it’s not a regular occurrence, and we know from past strips that Hunter doesn’t handle a certain volume of fluid intake very well after a certain time. I did my time on that sort of thing and learned some hard lessons.
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You just gave a perpetual speed beast permission to binge sugar and excess fluids knowing his propensity for nighttime water works? Thou art a brave man, Colin.
Brave or foolish…. >.>
LOL. How true. How true.
Technically, Hunter only asked for one pop, so that’s not really binging.
Oh, it is when it’s not a regular occurrence, and we know from past strips that Hunter doesn’t handle a certain volume of fluid intake very well after a certain time. I did my time on that sort of thing and learned some hard lessons.
I hope that Hunter isn’t thinking of putting that pop somewhere inappropriate.
Like where, exactly? 😅. I’m sure he’s just thirsty.
Hunter just wants to get this party started! Woo-hoo!
without his suit on colin looks so young