My daughter had five children, all from the same family before Christmas.
They were just returned to the Mom. My sweetie is devastated. She had them for nearly 2 years, and the youngest 2 basically didn’t have any other Mom but her.
Well, the pop up does say that this comic is about those sorts of things.
as well, a lot of them are rather closely connected. It is not uncommon for a kid who is abused to turn around and abuse others. While Jestan is the villain at the moment, he’s probably a victim as well.
Honestly? It does seem to be a sort of low-income, rural sort of place, judging by how a lot of the kids seem to have country accents. Is this comic set anywhere in the real word, or a fictional area? I don’t remember.
Poor Flora. I really feel sorry for her with this sudden growth in her “family”. Also, I was thinking that Tanya wasn’t going to be happy as I read the conversation.
Flora statement at the end is knot only the hard truth, but very prophetic as I wouldn’t put it past Tanya to try and get Beth-Anne in as much trouble as she can. Hopefully Flora can convince Tanya that Beth-Anne’s stay is only for a day or two.
I just hope that Beth-Anne does try her damnedest to get some forgiveness and and somewhat sincere apology from Tanya and she apologizes to Tanya for her part in what happened.
Sisters in arms? Who knows, people do reconcile and sometimes it takes something common or event to get people to reconcile. And if Beth-Anne is getting molested by Jestan, their father and others, this can get the two to call a truce and become wary friends who might work together to help others who experienced what they did.
War, like politics, makes for strange bedfellows. For Tanya and Beth-Anne to get along, they’re going to need a much bigger enemy to unite them simply because they’re both too busy hating said enemy to be hating each other.
Akin to the Soviet Union and the Allies banding together against Nazi Germany. The two sides actually fought separate wars against the common enemy and the alliance died very quickly after Nazi Germany was destroyed.
3 years ago
Oh my. I do not envy Karmen or Flora at all right now. This is starting to sound like these characters are stumbling onto a conspiracy. May their gods give them strength.
The conspiracy has peeked its head out before. Benni is known to have been “shared out” by his father to other pedos in the area. And Talitha’s father circulates cub porn of her.
True true. I guess I naively thought it was all taken care of. I keep forgetting this comic still hasn’t passes a year yet, maybe a week or two at most, a few days?
I can already hear Tanya loudly voicing her displeasure at this turn of events, protesting that she doesn’t want Beth-Anne to be another sister.
Beth-Anne could then say the feeling is mutual and she doesn’t want Tanya as a sister.
And then you’re going to hear a tire screeching noise in Tanya’s head as her mind shifts gears, and she starts demanding to know why Beth-Anne wouldn’t want her as a sister.
True, but with Beth-Anne coming clean about what happened can aid in Tanya accepting Beth-Anne into the ‘family’ fold for the duration or for good. And not to mention, Tanya may be the new kid in town and is trying to cement her place in the kiddy hierarchy (both good and bad ways), she is still learning things. She is protective of those she cares for and will fight for them. If Tanya can accept Benni even after his bullying of Kaleb and others, she may just accept Beth-Anne as well. It will take time, but it can happen. Tanya… Read more »
Benni sort of gave Tanya reason to start trusting him, when she found out he actually saved her and beat up the dude who was raping her. That might’ve moved him ahead of Kaleb in terms of how much she regards him.
I have this odd feeling that the only way Tanya and Beth-Anne could ever become friends, is if Tanya realizes that Jestan has been raping his sister as well. Except it wasn’t only the one time like it was with her, but it’s been ongoing. Perhaps so long that Beth-Anne has grown numb and accepting of it, not liking it but accepting it’s just one of those things.
If that is the case and Tanya sees somebeast her age who’s been through far worse, she might find herself having to rethink her previous assessment.
That is a good possibility. But Beth-Anne needs to really come clean and realize that Tanya was giving her a message to give Jestan. But when she went to Jestan, she stooped to his level, but she may have had the feeling or known that Jest would most likely rape Tanya even though he said that he would only beat her up. Unless I see anything that shows Jestan in a better light, instead of getting the idea that Jestan was given any and everything he wanted by mommy and daddy, allowed to basically get away with murder unlike Beth_Anne… Read more »
I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened, but I was thinking something more like this- Tanya: Your brother rapes you? You mean he’s done it more than once? Beth-Anne: *Nods* Tanya: How many times has he done it? Beth-Anne: I dunno. Maybe thirty? I stopped counting after a while. Tanya: *Whimpers* How can you be so calm about it? Beth-Anne: It’s not bad. He isn’t violent about it anymore. And as long as I let him have sex with me, he protects me from the other bullies. Tanya: *Slowly stares off into space as she enters blue screen of death… Read more »
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I guess Not. 😉
At this rate, Flora’s practically running a shelter.
My daughter had five children, all from the same family before Christmas.
They were just returned to the Mom. My sweetie is devastated. She had them for nearly 2 years, and the youngest 2 basically didn’t have any other Mom but her.
That’s harsh AF.
Southern Apals region, too.
And yes, the System there is truly messed up.
Lol Gotta catch ’em all
Someone point me to a kid in this comic not being diddled, please.
Um…Kaleb? Munch & Paz…?
And I get where you’re coming from.
Kaleb. And the porcupine girl who drove Tanya and Kaleb to the hospital.
That we know of, although with her learning to drive I would see her being closer to the age of consent than the other kits, so…
Well, the pop up does say that this comic is about those sorts of things.
as well, a lot of them are rather closely connected. It is not uncommon for a kid who is abused to turn around and abuse others. While Jestan is the villain at the moment, he’s probably a victim as well.
Very likely at this point, yes.
I don’t think Willy is being molested.
Honestly? It does seem to be a sort of low-income, rural sort of place, judging by how a lot of the kids seem to have country accents. Is this comic set anywhere in the real word, or a fictional area? I don’t remember.
Poor Flora. I really feel sorry for her with this sudden growth in her “family”. Also, I was thinking that Tanya wasn’t going to be happy as I read the conversation.
When it rains, it pours…
Well here we go again. Looks like another sleepover at Colin’s house is coming up, simply because he’s got more room to spare.
It’s her surname.
I know, but is Mullfresh her father’s last name and if so is he a police officer?
It is not mentioned anywhere in the archives.
It has been a topic of speculation
Flora statement at the end is knot only the hard truth, but very prophetic as I wouldn’t put it past Tanya to try and get Beth-Anne in as much trouble as she can. Hopefully Flora can convince Tanya that Beth-Anne’s stay is only for a day or two.
I just hope that Beth-Anne does try her damnedest to get some forgiveness and and somewhat sincere apology from Tanya and she apologizes to Tanya for her part in what happened.
I’ve said before… It is a LOT to expect forgiveness of Tanya at this point.
I don’t see them trying to reconcile. Why should they?
Sisters in arms? Who knows, people do reconcile and sometimes it takes something common or event to get people to reconcile. And if Beth-Anne is getting molested by Jestan, their father and others, this can get the two to call a truce and become wary friends who might work together to help others who experienced what they did.
War, like politics, makes for strange bedfellows. For Tanya and Beth-Anne to get along, they’re going to need a much bigger enemy to unite them simply because they’re both too busy hating said enemy to be hating each other.
Akin to the Soviet Union and the Allies banding together against Nazi Germany. The two sides actually fought separate wars against the common enemy and the alliance died very quickly after Nazi Germany was destroyed.
Oh my. I do not envy Karmen or Flora at all right now. This is starting to sound like these characters are stumbling onto a conspiracy. May their gods give them strength.
The conspiracy has peeked its head out before. Benni is known to have been “shared out” by his father to other pedos in the area. And Talitha’s father circulates cub porn of her.
True true. I guess I naively thought it was all taken care of. I keep forgetting this comic still hasn’t passes a year yet, maybe a week or two at most, a few days?
And so yet another child joins the Locket-Veloux Household. At this rate, they’re going to a whole clan by the time this is over.
I can already hear Tanya loudly voicing her displeasure at this turn of events, protesting that she doesn’t want Beth-Anne to be another sister.
Beth-Anne could then say the feeling is mutual and she doesn’t want Tanya as a sister.
And then you’re going to hear a tire screeching noise in Tanya’s head as her mind shifts gears, and she starts demanding to know why Beth-Anne wouldn’t want her as a sister.
You know, that is something I haven’t thought about.
Hell, even Flora can use the same comment she used to get Tanya to accept Talitha.
Except Talitha didn’t conspire to beat her up. Also even a child would realize how little someone as young as Talitha could possibly understand.
True, but with Beth-Anne coming clean about what happened can aid in Tanya accepting Beth-Anne into the ‘family’ fold for the duration or for good. And not to mention, Tanya may be the new kid in town and is trying to cement her place in the kiddy hierarchy (both good and bad ways), she is still learning things. She is protective of those she cares for and will fight for them. If Tanya can accept Benni even after his bullying of Kaleb and others, she may just accept Beth-Anne as well. It will take time, but it can happen. Tanya… Read more »
Benni sort of gave Tanya reason to start trusting him, when she found out he actually saved her and beat up the dude who was raping her. That might’ve moved him ahead of Kaleb in terms of how much she regards him.
True, but Beth-Anne has a chance, a slim one, but a chance to mend things between her and Tanya and become friends.
I have this odd feeling that the only way Tanya and Beth-Anne could ever become friends, is if Tanya realizes that Jestan has been raping his sister as well. Except it wasn’t only the one time like it was with her, but it’s been ongoing. Perhaps so long that Beth-Anne has grown numb and accepting of it, not liking it but accepting it’s just one of those things.
If that is the case and Tanya sees somebeast her age who’s been through far worse, she might find herself having to rethink her previous assessment.
That is a good possibility. But Beth-Anne needs to really come clean and realize that Tanya was giving her a message to give Jestan. But when she went to Jestan, she stooped to his level, but she may have had the feeling or known that Jest would most likely rape Tanya even though he said that he would only beat her up. Unless I see anything that shows Jestan in a better light, instead of getting the idea that Jestan was given any and everything he wanted by mommy and daddy, allowed to basically get away with murder unlike Beth_Anne… Read more »
I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened, but I was thinking something more like this- Tanya: Your brother rapes you? You mean he’s done it more than once? Beth-Anne: *Nods* Tanya: How many times has he done it? Beth-Anne: I dunno. Maybe thirty? I stopped counting after a while. Tanya: *Whimpers* How can you be so calm about it? Beth-Anne: It’s not bad. He isn’t violent about it anymore. And as long as I let him have sex with me, he protects me from the other bullies. Tanya: *Slowly stares off into space as she enters blue screen of death… Read more »
Tanya has encountered a problem.
Resentment.exe has stopped working.
When did Karmen get a cell phone? I thought that cell phones didn’t exist yet and people only had pagers.
Car phones existed then, and even decades before. One was featured in the 1970’s movie “Uptown Saturday Night”.
The first flip phones were out on the market by 1996, released by Motorola.
KPS better start paying flora, she’s basically doing their damn jobs for them at this point, AND MORE
So… the end of the comic will be Flora’s army of molested children taking back NC once their parents are all in prison.